Sunday, April 8, 2012


With this post I declare a blogging hiatus until my Mid Years are over. HAHA quite sad right, but yup, I have 3 weeks and 3 days until my Mid Years officially begin and I want to do well so bad (who doesn't?) Hence I really have to finish my Sec 3 syllabus by next week, and then move on to the new stuff that I have yet to touch, die :-( 

(even blogging this makes me feel kind of guilty HAHA but I'm gg back to work after this!) 

Anyway, I shall blog a bit about my weekend (It was a long weekend, because this week was Holy Week, hence Good Friday & Easter Sunday!) (: 

On Friday, I spent the entire day studying HAHA okay nerd I know. Covered quite a bit, until my brain was kind of oversaturated with information. Grrr. Okay nevermind, at least I got quite a lot done because I knew my weekends would be burnt away! But yes, time passed rather quickly at home, so that was good!
It was a productive Good Friday so PTL! (: 

On Saturday, did a little history before leaving for Chinese tuition, which I did NOT fall asleep in, hoooray! (: PTL again HAHA because I am usually on the verge of falling asleep. I cannot tahan 2 hours of Chinese, its just too much for me HAHA. 
Went to IMM for lunch and got some assessment books because I am a nerd and we have established this fact in the earlier paragraphs.
Got to church early and did Lucas' present with Linx, talked to him quite a bit about our batch in church, who came, who left and stuff like that hahaha I guess we just have to frequently keep them in our prayers! (: It was a nice talk, and I had duty that day so I went up and did duty-related stuff! Stayed in the PA booth for the entire duration of the service, hahaha, Jared was clearly not amused by my side french braid ): Or anything I told him about for that matter HAHAHA :P Okay anyway! The message was very simple and straightfoward, the speaker just gave us some very simple truths about God and shared some stories with us (: 
The one that struck me the most was that there is nothing we can ever do to make God love us more. As in, in present day society, we try to win the favour of others, but we will never need to earn the favour of God, because He has loved us since..... FOREVER! Which is pretty cool and reassuring and it just speaks of how amazing God is to have so so so so so much incomprehensible love for everyone on earth :-) 
Pre-date date with Jess? HAHA that was what she called it, when we were whatsapping on Friday night. But anyway, had dinner with Jess, Jon & the speaker and it was quite interesting, hmmmm. After that, because my parents wouldn't be home til 9, hung around with Jess & her family and played draw something with her whilst they ate. LOL look its her donut HAHA:

Oh yes. Kristel saw this photo when she was playing with my phone this morning and she went "HAHA JESS'S AHLIAN FACE" LOLOLOL. (y) 

 Haha they were so nice as to send me home (: THANKS!!!! Fell asleep whilst like trying to memorise bio, so yuuuupp

Woke up at 7.30AM today to get to church at 9! Spent about 2 hours in the church office with Kris doing CG admin like recording birthdays and memory verses and stuff like that, it was quite fun hehe ^__^ Finished Aunty Weng's birthday card (we forgot her birthday omg we felt quite bad HAHA) and did Minwei's birthday card OMG GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT HER BIRTHDAY WAAAH I am a lousy friend :'( Hahaha Ryanny came from his idk what parade that he marched like 20km for I HAVE NO IDEA HAHA he was lookin' pretty taaan HAHAA.

Went up for 2nd service! Easter Service was SO CUTE it was a puppet show HAHAHA and the puppets were singing and dancing and stuff WHOO SO CUTE HAHAHA. Was whatsapping Jess during service though LOLOL about Aladdin and Disney Princes because she was watching Aladdin atm. OKAY BUT ANYWAY HAHA it was a very nice Sunday morning, I absolutely love it when I get to go to church because 1. GOD IS AWESOME WHOOHOOO 2. I love my churchies (':
Lunch and tuition after that, and then now I HAVE TO STUDY HAHAHAH because I am sort of trying to sleep earlier but this is obviously failing because I have quite a bit to do idk.... Mrs Lau says just to do the super important stuff because sleep > doing work which is true tbh but then aiyaaaa okay anyway I shall just stop this post soon

1. Cross country on Thursday at WCP ok I really cannot wait because cross is always very fun despite dying whilst running. Can't believe its our last one already but I'm just going to enjoy myself when I can :')
2. The Vow w Jess!!!!! WHOOO on Thursday too! I just realised we're dismissed at 11.30 so I might have time to go home to bathe. We shall see! Else I'll spam deo K SO THURSDAY WILL BE A GREAT DAY.
3. COURAGEOUS @ church on Saturday (': YAY YAY YAY w the churchies whoooo okay yup really exciting!!!!


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hello, happy Sunday everyone!

It has been a good weekend, I must say!
On Saturday morning, woke up early and headed back to school for SL day! It really was worth it and I totally enjoyed the time we had together, prefects, SLs and the SL teachers. (': I swear they're the best bunch ever! We had a talk on leadership and stuff, and I felt the speaker was really good! Haha his kids are soooo cute and he's entertaining and can bring his points across well, so it was rather enlightening! After that, had a time of worship and it was goooood! Always good to praise Him :-) something I really love about my school, that we always involve God!
And then the teachers took turns to talk omg they were so sweet. Ms Ho was hilarious la, Ms Ng said that when she asked Ms Ho what the main purpose of the session was, she said "dunno" HAHAHA. They were all so incredibly sweet, Ms Ho was evidently very excited to see us because she was bouncing and going all "I MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH" because she doesnt teach us and all. omg so so so sweet. And yeah they basically talked to us about how it was their privilege to work with us and all, (': I love the SL teachers la I swear they're the best. It was a really good time just listening to all of them talk and encourage us and yuuuup. I'm so glad that Ms Ng put me through after P1 Picnic, because it has really been one of the best things that have happened in my life, being an SL and being a part of all of this love. <3 so it was a really good morning spent in school, totally worth waking up for.

Youth was PPP, and it was such an amazing time just singing praises to the Lord and praying that it really didn't seem like 2 hours. The presence of God is so wonderful!!!!!! Whoohoo I SERVE AN AWESOME GOD (: Yup, it was really good seeing all the churchies again, they really do make my week. What a wonderful time spent in church, best best best! Let's just take this week to remember the great love poured out for all of us on the cross! HOLY WEEK! WHOO! Hahaha I really do love PPP Saturdays because it's just all about worshipping Him ^____^

Spent Saturday night finishing my Sec 3 physics syllabus, and I'm so pleased that I did so much! I'm done with revising Dynamics, Kinematics, Light, Pressure, Lenses, thermometry, KPT, which is almost everything! Hooray! :-) did plant bio? Respiration, Nutrients and some Hitler and Stalin this morning, YES. Suddenly felt so motivated to study after church, haha! :-) so yup, it has been a very productive weekend, yay!

Can't wait for Good Friday this week, it will be spent productively as well! Also, going to watch the Vow on Thursdays with my beloved prince, totally psyched! Haha :-) so yup stuff to look forward too! Aaah mid years in 4.5 weeks, LET'S GO GUYS