Thursday, March 28, 2013

haven't blogged in nearly a month - a new record for me! HAHA this is terrible, I'm not keeping track of my JC life. But I guess I come home everyday really tired and stuff, but yes. RJ's been really really good to me, and given the chance, I wouldn't have changed the choices that I've made for anything.
God is faithful, truly He is. He has placed amazing people in my way, really good friends that I've made in my short first two months of my JC life, people who are willing to listen to me, willing to support me and I'm so so thankful to Him, blessed to have them. I should be "feeling the heat" of JC right about now, but I don't feel like dying, not just yet I would think. In the sense that, I look forward to going to school every morning because of my friends, and I'm glad I chose to do BCML (and not History oh dear THANK GOODNESS + grace + ayn I didn't take history) because they are really subjects I love.

but i'm starting to feel the exhaustion creeping in, somehow days in JC just wear me out more than they did in MG. and I guess I expected it, but its been great nonetheless. I've gotta start studying more though, hahaha............ I'll pick up my drive again :-) I hope.

infinitely proud of my bbjuniors, y'all did an amazing job through and through, and I love & miss you guys so much. enjoyed bandage entirely yay!

should totally blog more often. heehee. anyway, long weekend! 
G O O D  F R I D A Y  &  E A S T E R 

"But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities 
the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds, we are healed"
Isaiah 53:5

I was so in love with this verse when I read it (again, because i've read Isaiah before I REALLY LIKE THE BOOK OF ISAIAH hee but that was so long ago aiya my memory) during christian fellowship on Wednesday morning. It was a real reminder to me that God's love is above all our circumstances, that Jesus would go through such pains and lengths to free us of our sin, an ultimate display of grace and love. We remember how Jesus died on the cross for us on Good Friday, only to rise again on Easter Sunday. 
SO GUYS remember that above all, God loves you, and that Jesus was willing to die on the cross for each and every single one of us. :")