Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Decided to blog! I've finished everything I aimed to do by today (okay la it's already 12.20 HAHAHA k anyway) blogging from my phoooone! So yup the first two days of term 4. We only have 40 days to Os, as of today. Which is a scary thought, not only because the idea of taking on another national exam is daunting, but I don't want to think about life away from MG. Having so much fun studying (I mean seriously how to have fun studying yeah COME TO MG) and goofing around and stuff I really don't want to leave aiyah.

First of all I really have to thank God for giving me energy the past two days because I've been sleeping, and am going to be sleeping less than 5 hours a day and I haven't dozed off studying once!!!!!! Let's hope I keep this up. Okay. 

Yup must also thank God for friends like Jess who locked my twitter account yesterday (hahaha okay I was planning to give it up by October, but yesterday it was...... HAHAHAH) yeah okay to be very honest it's much less distracting. Twitter cold turkey though. 

Yeah so yesterday we had our triple science timetable, and it was nice being back in class. Somewhat nice, anyway. Physics was physics hahaha I always admire how patient Mr Heng is with us honestly :))))) Chem was spent doing. Uh? Not chem? Anyway. And bio was bio Mrs Liow was being particularly violent and intense yesterday HAHAHA but in the best way possible :))) really love Bio with Mrs Liow, wouldn't want to have bio any other way!!!! 
Parked my butt outside the staff room after school, planned to do some history! I ended up talking to Mrs Choo and Pittas and Nikki (new friend! HAHAHAH) for like an hour plus la ok HAHAHAHA. Got Mrs Choo to go through my lit script for me, and after she was done we talked about other things like As and IB and aspirations and everything. It was a good time :))) although Mrs Choo called me a dingdong she was pretty dingdong herself yesterday ok. HAHAHA. 

Did work! Productive at school at my lovely study spot outside the staff room, my favourite in the whole school :))))) ended up studying with Abi la aiya that girl ah HAHAHAH okay it was pretty fun though :) came back home and did more work. I managed to stay awake last night mostly because I was whatsapping crazy people and laughing to myself hur. 

Virtually studying every waking moment of my life (nearly la like I suddenly have this drive to go on go on go on because now's not the time to screw up I guess!) 

PE WAS PRETTY FUN I SHALL ADMIT, ran and played captain's ball with the class! Not bad not bad EXERCISING. HAHAHAH did loads of Math today, Mrs Tee just assigned us maaaaath hahahaha okay not that I mind I like math :) 
Rest of the day was pretty brain dead. Kept singing Taylor Swift with Meggie for like the whole day HAHAHAH. 
"So he calls me up and he's like, I STILL LUUUV UUUU. And I'm like this is EXHAUSTING we are NEVER EVER LIKE EVER EVER EVER getting back together" HAHAHHA and figuring out how to sing Ronan. I love Taylor Swift and all but We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together is a pretty stupid song HAHAHA. Catchy, nonetheless! 
Went absolutely mad after school today k studied again.... Signed up for SS with grace..... Having Grace & Mrs Choo complain to my face about how whiny I am HULLLOOOOOOO hahahaha ok.... Lit with Pittas, and then came home and finished two Os papers, history essay for tomorrow in case we get slaughtered by Mrs Ng, SEA history and physics ok pretty proud of myself, über productive today. 

Staying for project CARE tomorrow yahoooooo :))))) really being fed like crazy k Ms Ng buys biscuits from Southern Thailand, Mrs Choo gave me chocolate, plus all the project care food imma be obese before Os even start. 
Ya anyway I'm gg to sleep now wheeeee or at least prepare to sleep. 

(feel a bit ngehhhh but oh well it doesn't matter it never did right?)