Sunday, March 18, 2012

we're going down, down in an earlier round

Happy Sunday!

Today, I dragged myself out of bed at 9........ TO SNOOZE MY ALARM HAHA. Tskkk. I didn't know what made me turn my phone off silent mode before I slept last night, but I did. Haha, so after going back to bed for like five minutes, Jess called me and my phone started blaring so I woke up officially HAHA.

Got ready, had hot chocolate for breakfast (ish?) and then headed off for church! Stopped at the petrol kiosk at the foot of the hill on which church is situated HAHA and got Polar! Mmmmh, after gobbling down my chicken pie, went up to the worship hall! :-) Was on duty for ppt today! Haha, I spasmed a little bit, but yay worship was really good (; Especially since I didn't go to church last week ): I don't know if I'm gg this saturday, I want to stay with my LTC kids until they are done cleaning up after the fundraiser etc etc, heh.

You are good, You are good, when there's nothing good in me.

Anyway! Service was good, I had to click slides heehee it was a little confusing because Shaun and I were like looking for the slide that matched which verse he was talking about, but message was good! We are called as servants of the Lord :') Mhmmm!

Went for lunch at West Coast after that, and then nua-ed at home for like forty five minutes reading the Sunday papers and idk, checking twitter?? HAHA. Enjoying the final hours of bliss before school starts. I really didn't realise how busy this week would be, but sigh, let's go! Pray that God will give me the strength and the patience (omg the PATIENCE I have things to settle w my class) and the loooove. GOD HALP. Okay.

After Math tuition (which was matrices. I don't like E Math la tbh A MATH ALL THE WAY hahaha but E Math is easier.... anyway), went for dinner at IMM and bought a new top yay yay yay I thought it was really cute HAHA. Anyway.

Got home and, after watching Disney for like half an hour, dragged myself to bathe, and then got started on revision for Physics SPA tomorrow (HAMANA ITS TOMORROW.) Hahahha can totally imagine Mr Heng nagging at us about the significant figures. I hate the stupid 2/3sf shiz ): Whatsapping Jess simultaneously, until she fell asleep, haha! :-) (Get enough rest ok ): <3)

So before I sleep tonight, I shall try to clear a little more Math homework, (I only finished my A Math paper, I didn't even try my E Math paper, because, you know, A Math > E Math, haha, anyway) Yuuuup here goes Term 2. 

Anyway this music video (PARADISE! by coldplay) is so cute it always makes me smile heh. 

This week:
Getting ready for Sec 4 olympics (CDM stuff to settle, like the educational board whatever, I think we need to decide on the mascot + what we come in as a class on the actual day etc etc)
Kiddies executing their project this Saturday, so its the week-leading-up-to-project madness! AAAH so excited for them, shall try to attend their meetings as much as possible (': 
Bio & Physics SPAs (Bio on Friday, Physics ~tomorrow)
History test on CMC + Fall of communism on Thursday 

Let's see what else this week will bring. 